How To Measure For A Dog Harness?

You are a pet owner hunting for your dog's first collar and harnesses online. But you look at various harnesses and glance at your furry friend. You measure your dog with your eyes and think the measurement is correct. But it isn’t! A few orders and returns later, you are at your breaking point.
So, how to measure for a dog harness?

In our experience, this is quite a common problem with many pet parents. Pet owners often give up very easily.

But fear not. With our expertise in the pet industry, we can save the day and your sanity. Let us spill the “kibble” on how to measure for a dog harness. Forget the eyeballing technique; let's ensure the harness is a perfect fit on the first try.

We help you on how to measure for a dog harness- after all, your dog's comfort (and your peace of mind) depends on it!

What Is A Harness and Why Is It Used?

Before getting into the why, let us get the basics right. A harness is a practical gear that goes around your dog's body. Unlike a collar that goes around the neck, a harness spreads out the pressure more evenly. The harness makes it easier for your furry buddy to get trained well.

It helps trainers or pet owners control and guide their dogs in different manners. Harnesses usually have straps that fasten around their chest and sometimes their back.

They come in different styles, some for walking, some for adventures, and others for specific needs. So, whether your dogs are explorers or just casual walkers, there's a harness out there to keep them relaxed and in control!

When to Use a Dog Harness?

Imagine your dog is going for a walk, and they get excited and starts pulling. A harness gives you a better way to manage that energy without putting too much stress on your neck. It's like having a handle on your dog's back- a gentle way to steer them in the right direction.

Using a dog harness can be beneficial for various reasons, and the decision to use one depends on the specific needs, and characteristics of both the dog and its owner.

Here are some situations in which a dog harness might be useful, along with the reasons behind each-

For Control and Safety

1. For Pulling Issues- Imagine your dog is going for a walk, and they get excited and starts pulling. A harness gives you a better way to manage that energy without putting too much stress on your neck. It's like having a handle on the back of the dog- a gentle way to steer them in the right direction.

It can provide better control, distributing the force more evenly across the chest and shoulders. It is unlike collars that may create injury.

2. Small Breeds or Brachycephalic Dogs- Using a harness is safer for small breeds or dogs with short noses (brachycephalic). Collars can be stressful on the trachea, potentially leading to respiratory issues, while harnesses avoid such pressure points.

For Training Purposes

1. Behavioral Training- You can often use harnesses for obedience training or to correct certain behaviors. The even pressure distribution can be less aversive for dogs. It makes it more conducive to positive reinforcement training methods.

2. Puppies- Training a puppy to walk on a leash can be easier with a harness, especially for breeds prone to respiratory issues or if the puppy is still learning to walk on a leash properly.

For Health Considerations

Neck and Spine Health- A harness is a gentler option for dogs with neck or spinal issues. Collars can aggravate existing problems or contribute to wounds, while a harness provides support without placing strain on sensitive areas.

1. Injury Recovery- Veterinarians often recommend harnesses to prevent additional stress on the healing area after surgery or injury. It is especially crucial for dogs with neck or back injuries.

2. Injury prevention- A well-fitted harness avoids potential harm to the throat and breathing passages. It distributes the force away from the neck. The design also prevents the leash from getting tangled in the legs of the dog, allowing them to move freely. It is especially great for breeds like Pugs that may have trouble breathing.

Another great feature is the handle on the harness, which comes in handy for assisting older dogs. For example, you can help them get into a car. Overall, a harness is more than just a functional tool, improving the lives of dogs and their owners.

To Prevent Escapes

1. Slippery or Sensitive Neck- Some dogs, especially those with smaller heads or short fur, can easily slip out of collars. A well-fitted harness reduces the likelihood of escape and provides a more secure restraint.

For Comfort

Many pet parents and their dogs go for hikes and long strolls. A harness can be more comfortable for long hours if you and your dog enjoy long walks or hikes. It reduces strain on the neck and permits more natural movements. The ease enhances the general experience for you and your pet.

Related: Planning for your next adventure? Discover the 15 best dogs for hiking.

For Specialized Activities

1. Car Safety- Using a harness with a seatbelt attachment is safer than a collar for dogs traveling in a car. It restrains the dog in case of sudden stops or accidents, preventing injury.

2. Agility or Sports- Dogs engaged in agility training or other sports may benefit from a harness. It provides better control and allows freedom of movement.

Important Tips:

1. Proper Fit-

Ensure the harness is not overly tight. The body language of the dog would let you know. Harness should allow for enjoyable movement while stopping escape.

2. Introduce Gradually-

Some dogs may initially resist wearing a harness. Introduce anything new to the dogs, especially harnesses, gradually. Use positive reinforcement to associate it with favorable experiences.

3. Regular Checks-

Regularly check the harness for signs of wear or discomfort. Adjust as needed to accommodate your dog's growth or changes in weight.

Types of Dog Harnesses

You may have known about several varieties of dog harnesses designed to meet different needs. It depends on factors like the size of your dog, behavior, and specific activities. But if you aren't aware, with our extensive knowledge in this area, we will inform you of the various types of dog harnesses.

Once you know about them, it will narrow down your selection process for your four-legged friend.

Here are a few types of dog harnesses-

1. No-Pull Harness

A no-pull harness is perfect if you have an overexcited or misbehaving dog. Professionals design the harness to teach dogs good leash behavior. Despite common beliefs, it's not cruel to use harnesses.
We think it is a helpful walking aid. Ensure to check the design, size, and type before buying.

The creators of the harness hope to prevent dogs from pulling by connecting the leash to a front-mounted D-ring. It helps redirect their movement when they try to pull.

2. The Standard Harness

The next on our list is the standard harness. Owners use it to connect a leash, control the dog, and make them feel comfy during strolls or outdoor playtime. You can adjust the distinct padding, straps, a D-ring, and buckles. The clasps and handles are put in the right places so dogs can move around safely.

Pet parents or trainers use standard harnesses for walking and controlling their dogs. They are a more relaxed and protected option compared to regular collars. You can stumble on them in different styles.

We suggest you look for the right size and type of harness for your pet. Adjust it properly to avoid any distress or damage.

3. Front Clip Harness

If your dog gets super excited during walks, a front clip dog harness is the way to go. Just follow the instructions to ensure it's locked properly, and it will save you time.

This type of harness has a clip at the front on the chest, giving you better control over your dog when you're out for a walk. Experts have designed it to ensure your dog doesn't pull too much, which helps them learn to walk, properly.

Using this harness makes walks more relaxed for your dog and teaches them good manners and obedience. It's a safe and cozy way to guide them during their activities.

4. Step-in Harness

The step-in harness is exactly what it sounds like! You can put it on your dog and take it off without trouble. Your dog steps into it, and then you secure it around their body without pulling it over their head.

This type of harness is good for dogs who don't like things going over their heads or have particular health issues. It has secure clasps, adjustable straps, two leg holes, and a D-ring.

Step-in harnesses come in different materials like leather, nylon, and mesh. They also have various styles and sizes. Such harnesses are especially popular for small dogs and puppies.

If your dog is scared or nervous about putting on a harness over their head, the step-in harness is a good choice. You should know how to put it on your pup so they don't run away.

5. Back-clip Harness

The back-clip harness is another impressive and useful pick for dog owners. It has a D-ring on the back, which is excellent for dogs who don't tug on the leash while walking.

This harness is easy to use and comes in distinct styles, adding a contemporary touch to your dog's outfit. The back-clip harness is a versatile and cute choice that looks good and works well. Whether it is well-behaved or you want it to look trendy, you can get this one.

6. Dual-Clip Harness

If you have difficulties deciding between a front or back-clip harness, consider a dual-clip harness. This type has both front and back extensions, giving you the flexibility to choose.

You can switch between the front and back clips based on your pet's training requirements and behavior. Dual-clip harnesses are particularly helpful for puppies, as they can become expert walkers in no time.

7. Special Fit Harness

In our professional opinion, some dogs need custom-made harnesses. The special fit harness is incredible for such cases. They are designed to fit dogs of all sizes and shapes. It includes those with special needs, like missing a limb or needing extra support.

No matter how your dog is (physically), you can find the perfect harness for them. Just make sure it fits right. The special fit harness is a versatile solution for all dogs with unique requirements.

8. Overhead Harness

An overhead harness keeps your canine safe and in control while spreading the pressure evenly across their body. It has straps wrapped around the dog's torso. There is a leash attachment on their back near the shoulders.

Trainers and pet owners like overhead harnesses because they offer far better control. It lowers the risk of choking or neck injuries during walks or training. They come in various designs and materials, promoting a relaxed and safe walking experience.

It's a smart choice for those who prioritize their pet's well-being and effective management. So you must measure the dog for the harness and decide which to choose.

How to Choose the Right Harness For Dogs?

There are various sizes and styles of dog harnesses to choose from. You should explore your options and pick the harness that suits you and your dog. Here are a few things to consider before selecting a harness-

1. Cost

Let us be honest; money becomes the primary reason to buy any item. Therefore, think of your budget when choosing a dog harness. Prices can vary, and it's vital to find a balance between quality and affordability.

It's often tempting to select the least expensive option. But investing in a tough and stylish harness can pay off in the long run. Look for options that provide good value for money, meeting your financial constraints and your dog's needs.

2. Design

Not all dogs will have the same harness. Every dig is different, and they have different needs. When people ask us if design matters, we reply with a vehement yes!

Dog harnesses come in various designs, each catering to different needs. Common types include back-clip, dual-clip, front-clip, no-pull, overhead, and unique fit harnesses. Choose a design based on your dog's actions and your precise requirements. The harnesses could have room for adjustability.

A no-pull or front-clip harness may be suitable if your dog tends to pull during walks. If you're looking for ease of use, a step-in harness might be a good choice. Consider factors like ease of putting on, adjusting, and removing the harness and the materials used to make the design.

A few harness design examples-

  • The front hook harness- Some dogs need such harnesses. The pet parents find it helpful to walk the dog using this one. The design provides leverage by being attached to the front of the body.
  • The head halter- The head halter is a special design that fits around your dog's head, just behind the ears. Another strap goes around your dog's muzzle. This type is ideal for large, strong dogs that tend to pull during walks. Proper fitting is critical, as the halter is not meant for jerking or forceful pulling. Instead, it is a gentle tool to guide your dog in the desired direction during walks.
  • A no-pull or front-clip harness may be suitable if your dog pulls a lot during walks. A step-in harness might be a good choice for easy usage. Consider factors like ease of putting on, adjusting, and removing the harness and the materials used to make the design.

3. Dog Harness Sizes

Many of our pet product customers have asked if sizing a dog harness matters. It is a definite yes because some dogs like the Terrier, Dalmatians, Chihuahuas, Mastiffs, etc.

Hence, it's important to measure for dog harness to ensure a proper fit. Most harnesses come with sizing guidelines, and you'll typically need to measure your dog's chest girth and neck circumference.

A harness that is too tight can create soreness and restrict movement. The one that is too loose may not provide the necessary control. You can either ask experts like us or always refer to the harness size chart for dogs.

4. Dog Temperament

Have you had dogs that bark and roam around in a frenzied manner a lot? Some dogs have extreme temperaments. Controlling it is necessary. It is what you should consider when choosing a harness.
Some dogs may be more calm with specific designs.

For instance, dogs anxious about things going over their heads might benefit from a step-in harness. If your dog is prone to pulling, our no-pull harness with a front attachment may be more suitable.

Additionally, judge if your dog has any precise needs. They may require extra support due to age or health issues. Our special fit harness might be necessary for dogs with unique physical requirements.

5. Visibility and Reflectivity for Walks at Night

When enjoying nighttime walks with your canine companion, prioritizing visibility is imperative. The lighting conditions play a crucial role. A noteworthy solution is to have the innovative design of dog harnesses. It could have reflective light strips on it.

These reflective strips serve both safety and aesthetic functions. During low-light conditions, such as dusk or nightfall they dramatically increase the visibility of your dog. It makes your furry friend easily noticeable to pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists alike.

Such harnesses provide visibility, reduce accident risks, and enhance peace of mind while walking on dimly lit streets. It guarantees enjoying nighttime walks, so consider this aspect when choosing one.

The Tools Needed To Measure Your Dog For Harness

So you are going to measure your dog for the harness? It is not as tough a task as you think, but there are a few things you must have-

1. Measuring Tape- A flexible measuring tape is vital for precisely measuring your dog's chest girth and neck circumference. We suggest it should be long enough to wrap around your dog comfortably.

2. Paper and Pen- Manual and not digital note-keeping? Yes, we advise you to keep paper and a pen handy to jot down the measurements. Having a written record ensures you can easily reference the sizes when shopping for a harness. You never know when the digital stuff goes crashing. But if it doesn't suit you, go for digital notes.

3.Treats or Toys- This item especially goes for pups. Have some treats or their favorite toy on hand to keep your dog cooperative during the measuring process. It can help distract and reward them, making the experience more positive.

4. An assistant (optional)- An extra set of helping hands, goes a long way. A second person can help keep your dog still and calm, making it easier for you to take accurate measurements.

Measuring Your Dog for a Harness

Have trouble finding a suitable harness size for your dog? We know how difficult because for many reasons. When you learn how to measure a dog for harnesses, things become easier afterward.

There are brilliant ways to do the measurements but very few are successful doing it.

Many have asked us for advice on how to measure a dog for harness. While we provide you with the steps, you need to remember to keep your dog calm and still. It’s only after that, that one can measure them.

Without further delay, we’ll give you a step-by-step guide on how to do it-

Step 1- Collecting Proper Measurement Tools

Gather all the tools, as mentioned above. To know how to measure a dog's girth for a harness, be ready with the items for the task. You should have a measuring tape, pen/paper, or phone to note measurements. Having a toy and an assistant are optional but helpful.

For a proper fit, you need to take measurements of the chest girth, neck girth, head, height, and length of the body. Why height? Finding the dog’s height becomes helpful if you are looking for a carrier or crate. Here’s how you measure them-

Step 2- Measuring The Neck Girth

Neck girth is the distance around their neck, measured where their collar sits. You need to take the measurements of the upper and lower neck. The upper neck is usually for collars or bandanas, whereas the lower neck supports coats or harnesses. We have to explain this because many individuals do it wrong.

To measure it, start at the back of the neck above the shoulders. Then wrap the tape down to the top of the chest and around until it meets the other end.

Ensure you fit two fingers between the gear (like a collar) and your dog's body. When using the tape, leave extra space to ensure a contented fit.

Step 3- Measuring The Chest girth

Want to know how to measure a dog's chest for a harness? First, identify the broadest area of their chest, usually just behind the front legs. Use a flexible measuring tape. If you don't have one, we suggest using a string, and you can measure the string later with a ruler.

To measure it, start at the back of the neck just above the shoulders, then wrap the tape down to the top of the chest and around until it meets the other end. Gently wrap the tape or string around their chest. Make sure it goes over the widest part of the chest. Bring the loose end of the tape or note when the strings meet the starting point.

See that you can fit two fingers between the gear (like a collar) and its body. When using the tape, leave additional space for a relaxed fit.

Step 4- Measuring The Body Length

Many measure the body length for the harness, but it isn’t compulsory. Length measurement generally applies to a fancy harness, coat, or life jacket. Nonetheless, measure the length.

Body length differs with every dog and its breed. We know how small a Pug or a Dachshund is. But we also see a German Shepard, Corgi, and Scottish Deerhound- all being significantly different. So knowing how to measure a dog’s length for a harness is vital.

Begin at the base of your dog's neck to know how to measure for a dog harness. Gently extend the measuring tape along their back, over the shoulders, and to the base of the tail.

Once you reach the tail base, note where the tape ends. You want an accurate measurement without causing pain. Now, jot down the length in inches or centimeters.

Step 5- Measuring The Height

Understanding your dog's height is essential, especially if you're searching for a crate. It ensures they have enough space to stand with ease without feeling cramped. Tall dogs like the Great Dane or Irish Wolfhound may need special attention.

First, ask your dog to stand up straight against a wall, making sure their feet are evenly spaced. Then locate the highest point of your dog's back, known as the withers. You can often identify it by a small notch or dip between the shoulder blades.

Place the measuring tape at the withers and let it run down the front leg, following the natural contour. Extend the tape down to your dog's paw, ensuring it hangs naturally without pulling tight. Take note of the height in inches or centimeters.

Step 6- Measuring The Head

Measuring a dog’s head is vital. Some dogs are quite big like the Saint Bernard or the Tibetan Mastiff. Many harnesses are designed to go over the head of your dog.

If you have a large dog and are unsure about whether their head will fit through, follow these steps to measure the head-

  • Have your dog stand in a comfortable and relaxed position.
  • Take your flexible measuring tape and softly wrap it around the widest part of your dog's head. It is usually just above the eyes and ears, encompassing the back of the head.
  • You want to measure the circumference without causing discomfort.
  • Record the measurement in your preferred metric system. Inches or centimeters are better.

Usually, dogs do not like it when you fiddle with their heads. You need to keep them still and do the work quickly. Be prepared to do it repeatedly to lessen the chances of measurement differences.

Measure all of it accurately and then do the shopping for the harness. If you still have confusion or doubts, ask experts like us. We can guide you according to your pet’s needs as we have a reliable amount of experience in this market.

Dog Harness Sizing Tips

  • The two-finger rule- For a snug fit, always leave room for two fingers between the dog and the gear.
  • Don't just rely on your dog's weight. Small dogs can have big chests, like Basset Hounds. Even if two dogs weigh the same, they might need different-sized harnesses.
  • Think about future weight gain or fluffy fur. If your dog gains weight or has a lot of fur, add two inches to the chest measurement. It helps you find a harness that fits both their smallest and largest sizes suitably.
  • Choose a slightly bigger size if your dog is in between. If the measurements fall between two sizes, go for the larger one. You can always adjust it to fit nicely.
  • Make sure the harness doesn't hurt. The harness should never squeeze your dog's throat or cause distress when walking.
  • Check the measurements thrice. We advise this because dogs keep moving a lot while measuring them. So measure them thrice- it reduces the chances of error.
  • Check the manufacturer guide. Different brands or styles might have different sizing recommendations. Therefore always look at the specific fitting guide provided by the harness maker.
  • Usually, pet owners concentrate more or solely on neck girth. Though it is crucial, it isn’t sufficient, especially for padding or no-pull harnesses. We strongly recommend you measure the chest, length, and head to be on the safe side.
  • If your dog falls between sizes, explore the adjustment features of the chosen product. Many harnesses come with buckles or fasteners that allow for size modifications, ensuring a better fit for your furry friend.

Common Measurement Mistakes And How To Avoid

Measuring your dog for a harness is crucial to ensure a proper fit and your pet's comfort. We have had many people create some small to big mistakes while taking the measurements.

It may have repercussions. Here are a few common mistakes to avoid-

1. Assuming The Size

Instead of measuring accurately, we have had clients estimate the size without using the proper tools. It is a common mistake we have seen many have made.

Solution- Assumptions are not good for your dog harness measurement. Use a measuring tape or ruler and string for precise measurements of your dog's chest girth and neck circumference.

Follow the sizing guidelines for the specific harness you are considering. If you still can’t take someone’s help, hire a professional to do it for you.

2. Measuring Incorrectly

Individuals often fail to understand the meaning of “proper fit”. The chest measurement and neck circumference are either too tight or too loose.

Solution- Ensure the measuring tape is not excessively tight around your dog. You should be able to fit two fingers comfortably between the tape and their body. A too-tight harness can be painful, while a too-loose one may not offer proper control.

3. Ignoring Weight Distribution

Without sounding scientific, neglecting to consider how the harness distributes weight across the body is a mistake. Weight distribution is vital for dogs to make them feel comfortable.

Solution- Choose a harness that distributes pressure evenly, preventing strain on specific areas. It is especially important for dogs prone to pulling.

4. Not Considering Behavior

As we have already established, dogs have different temperaments. Overlooking the behavior of your dog and their needs when selecting a harness is a huge mistake. It defines what kind of harness to buy.

Solution- If your dog tends to pull, choose a harness with features like front-clip attachments to discourage pulling. For anxious dogs, opt for easy-to-put-on harnesses like step-in designs.

5. Neglecting Adjustability

Choosing a harness without adjustable straps is another error pet owners make. Imagine having a no-hole belt for your pants- you are left with no choice to loosen or tighten. The same goes for dog harnesses.

Solution- Opt for a harness with adjustable straps to ensure a customized fit. It is crucial for accommodating your dog's specific body shape.

6. Skipping the Instructions

There’s a reason why manufacturers put instruction manuals. New pet parents or trainers do not read it, either out of laziness or a pure know-it-all attitude. Not reading and following the sizing and fitting instructions may lead to other issues that could be avoided in the first place.

Solution- Always consult the guidelines provided by the manufacturer. Different brands may have variations in sizing, and following instructions ensures the right fit.

7. Ignoring Special Needs

You may fail to consider any special needs your dog may have. We strongly suggest not to do it. Every dog may be physically or mentally different. Ignoring it is a mistake.

Solution- Opt for a special fit harness designed to address specific needs. Talk to experts like us, who can guide you according to the requirements. Your dog may have unique physical requirements, such as missing a limb or needing extra support- help them overcome it.

Size Charts For Dog Harnesses

When it comes to size charts, refer to the specific harness size chart provided by the original manufacturers. Why original? Because you may get fake products and instruction manuals or mistaken size charts. So be careful about the source.

It can be hard to know what size dog harness, coat, or collar your pup needs. We would have recommended you choose a size based on weight. However, we think it is wrong. A 40lb Bulldog has a different fit than a 40lb Greyhound; they have very different body types.

You can look for the manufacturer’s recommendations. Some manufacturers provide breed recommendations for their harnesses. While individual dogs within a breed can differ significantly in size, this can still give you a general idea.

Unfortunately, even after having size charts for dog harnesses, sizes vary. They differ between manufacturers and even between different harness models from the same manufacturer!

The things to look for in a sizing chart are neck girth, chest, girth, back length, and weight range measurement. Remember to fit two fingers between the harness and your dog's skin.

How To Fit A Dog Harness?

After knowing how to measure my dog for a harness, it’s time to buy and use it. Before using it, you have to know about the fittings and tests. Know how to put a dog harness easily-

Fitting the Harness-

Choosing the Correct Harness Dimensions- The fitting needs the right harness size. So measure your dog's girth (the widest part of their chest, just behind the front legs) and neck circumference. We advise you to refer to the harness size chart for dogs, provided by the harness manufacturer to select the appropriate size. Sizing a dog harness is easy, so there shouldn’t be any hurdles.

  • Adjust and Secure The Straps- When it's time to put the harness, ensure you loosen all the straps before putting the harness on your dog. Place the harness on the back with the D-ring for leash attachment on top. Fasten the chest strap across your dog's chest, ensuring it’s not excessively tight. You should be able to fit two fingers between the strap and your dog's chest. After that, adjust the neck strap to ensure it fits comfortably around your dog's neck. Again, check if you can fit two fingers between the strap and your dog's neck.
  • Tighten the Straps- Once the harness is on, tighten the straps gradually to achieve a secure fit. Ensure the dog is at ease when wearing it. The harness shouldn’t restrict your dog's movement or cause discomfort.
  • Check for Chafing- Your job doesn’t end when the harness is put on. Keep a watch on your dog all the time because of the new item on his body. Inspect the harness for any signs of chafing or skin irritation.

Carefully look for redness or hair loss around the straps. If you notice any issues, adjust the fit accordingly. Sometimes the reaction isn’t immediate. So, wait for a few hours and inspect that area.

2. Testing The Harness-

Recognizing When Your Dog's Harness Doesn't Fit Right

It's crucial to make sure your furry friend's harness fits comfortably. If you notice any of these signs, it might be a signal that the harness isn't fitting as it should

  • The Movement Test- Resistance to Walking We have noticed how dogs are generally excited about walks. If your four-legged friend seems hesitant or resists when you try to put on the harness, it's a sign that they might be in distress. This reluctance could be due to an ill-fitting harness causing discomfort or anxiety. There are times when they will fight back the harness, but you have to do it gradually. Let it take its own pace.
  • Fur Fall Test- Loss of Fur Around the Harness Strap Often, as pet parents, we ignore fur falling near its harness. If you see patches of fur missing where the harness straps sit, it could indicate a few things. Either it is too tight or rubbing too much against your dog's coat. Take out the harness and readjust it. A well-fitted harness should not irritate the area like that.
  • Check For Chafing Near the Straps- Chafing occurs when the harness rubs against your dog's skin. It signals that the harness needs adjustments for a more satisfactory fit. There have been incidents where we have seen dogs with infection due to collars or harnesses. Keep an eye out for any redness or irritation around the straps. Take immediate action for chafing as it is painful for dogs.
  • Wiggling Free of the Harness- If your pup manages to slip out of the harness, it's a clear sign that it's not securing them properly. It could be due to incorrect sizing or improper adjustments and poses a risk to your dog's safety. It needs to be looked into immediately.
  • Harness Rotation Test- Have you noticed sometimes your watch rotates if not fitted correctly? It is the same with collars or harnesses. A well-fitted harness should stay in place without shifting to one side. If you observe the harness consistently rotating, it might be too loose or not properly positioned on your dog's body. Measure a harness for a dog and fit it again.
  • Behavior Observation- Dogs have emotions as well. They can show signs of fright, anxiety, anger, and more. To test the harness, you have to notice their behavior.

So, walk your dog with the harness on and observe their behavior. If your dog seems uncomfortable or exhibits any signs of distress, reassess the fit and make adjustments as needed. Some dogs won’t let you wear the harness again after readjusting. These are other signs of resistance to it.

Remember, these are just a few reasons why there are problems in fitness. We suggest keeping regular checks on your dogs and ensuring they are having a great time. When you know how to size a dog for a harness, it will be an easy process, eventually.

How To Care for the Harness?

Once you have known how to measure your dog for a harness and have used it for a long time, you also need to clean and maintain it properly. This goes for all products that need cleaning and maintenance.

Some become dull and worn over time. Here are a few ways to take care of the harness-

1. Washing-

Washing the harness needs a little bit of work. Keep ready a bucket full of lukewarm or hot water. Put some baking soda, pet shampoo, or a hypoallergenic detergent into the water. Let it dissolve.

2. Soak and scrubbing-

After the dissolvation of the soap, immerse the harness in it. Let it soak for 30 minutes. Soaking it will make it easier in the washing process as the soap gets absorbed in the harness. Once the soaking is complete, scrub it using an old toothbrush.

3. Cleaning-

Hold the harness in cold water and clean it thoroughly. Ensure that there’s no soap on the material. After cleaning, let it dry naturally and not in a dryer.

Pro tip- If your dog's harness is synthetic, keeping it clean is a breeze! You can just wipe it with a wet cloth or toss it in the washing machine if it gets really, dirty. But don't forget, let it air dry to keep the buckles and clips in good shape.

Now, if your pup's harness is fancy leather, it needs some extra love. You need to take care of it by using a special leather conditioner regularly. It helps keep it looking nice and lasting a long time.

Is It Okay to Keep a Harness on a Dog All Day?

To answer it with one word- Maybe. If your dog's harness fits well, it feels at ease, and you are present to supervise, it's generally acceptable to wear it throughout the day. However, be cautious about leaving the harness on during sleep.

There is a risk of snagging on objects, potentially causing distress or choking. Many have asked us whether to go for synthetic, leather, nylon, breathable mesh, or reflective material. We suggest nylon and thickly padded polyester material go well.

There's also the matter of mouthy dogs who might chew on the harness, posing a choking hazard or the risk of ingestion. Additionally, a wet harness left on for an extended period may contribute to skin infections. If your dog has enjoyed a wet outdoor adventure, we advise removing the harness indoors. You should clean it as needed and allow it to air dry.

Once your canine companion has a well-fitted and cozy harness, the stage is set for delightful walks or runs. It provides both of you with a heightened sense of security as you explore city streets or the serene countryside.

The Harness You Have Always Been Looking For!

Knowing how to measure a dog for a harness might initially appear challenging. It's a skill you can master with practice and patience. Taking the time to secure a dog's harness is a worthwhile endeavor. Familiarize yourself with the type of harness you have and diligently follow the provided instructions for application.

Emphasize the significance of prioritizing a well-fitted harness for your furry companion. Be prepared to make necessary adjustments. A properly fitting harness will go a long way. So invest in accurately measuring your dog's body and selecting the appropriate size.

Discover top-notch DC harnesses and a variety of other products at Doodle Couture. Our thoughtfully curated items have earned numerous accolades and prizes. Give them a try to make a meaningful difference in your life and your pet's.

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